Local Listings/Citations
Local businesses in position 1-3 on Google have an average of 85 local listings/citations. 40 million use Yelp each month, 30 million use Trip Advisor and 11 million use Yellow pages,

Every month millions of users find local products and services in online business directories.
- Do you know which directories you’re already listed in?
- Is the information about your business correct?
- Have you claimed your Google Business page?
- What other directories should you list your business in?
- Do you have the time to find out?
Free Online Advertising
The accuracy and consistency of your directory entries is important for a number of reasons. Most online directories don’t charge you for a basic listing, so it’s free online advertising, but if your details are incorrect or out-of-date, you could be missing out on valuable sales opportunities.
Boost Your Search Engine Rankings
Online directories show up frequently in local search engine results and Google tends to trust the consistency and distribution of business information when choosing which results to show for any given search terms. Many directories also feature online business reviews, and positive reviews from your customers will also boost your search engine rankings.
Get Listed!
Getting properly listed on all the relevant online business directories can be confusing and time consuming. We will search all the major online directories and help to make sure your business is correctly listed. Here are a few of the directories in which your business could appear:
- Bing
- Yahoo!
- Yelp
- Merchant Circle
- YellowPages.com
- Whitepages
- Supermedia
- Yellowbook
- CitySearch
- Mapquest
- Biznik
- Local.com
- Foursquare
- ThinkLocal
- CitySlick
- MyCity
- Dex
- Manata
- Kudzu
Gabe Elliott goes above and beyond to over deliver. Gabe looks at your business as his own and offers advice and solutions that will take you into the future. He treats your business as his own. That’s invaluable.